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  • Metapowers Ⓜ️

    The 100 Metapowers categorized by Classification.
      1. Aegis

        Metapowers of the Classification: Aegis offer defensive capabilities against any type of harm and injury. Metanthropes with such abilities are the most resilient, irrepressible, and most durable among all others. Their role in a Coalition is a primarily a defensive one: to be in the frontline, absorb all threats, and offer protection to those in need. The Aegis Classification matches with the Controller and Hammer Classifications.
      2. Animator

        Metapowers of the Classification: Animator grant the ability to bring life to the inanimate. Metanthropes with such Metapowers can amass animated armies or imbue objects with extraordinary abilities. Their role in a Coalition is a operating from a distance, overseeing their creations and establishing secure locations for crafting and refining their abilities. The Animator Classification matches with the Controller and Manipulator Classifications.
      3. Arbiter

        Metapowers of the Classification: Arbiter offer the ability to bend the laws of reality, including concepts such as time, luck, order, and chaos. Metanthropes with such Metapowers can also influence the use of other Metapowers. Their role in a Coalition is to enhance their chances of success and weaken the effectiveness of their adversaries. The Arbiter Classification matches with the Clairvoyant and Manipulator Classifications.
      4. Clairvoyant

        Metapowers of the Classification: Clairvoyant provide the ability to gather intel and possess extrasensory perceptions, or heightened senses. Metanthropes with such Metapowers can see beyond the limits of ordinary eyesight and can find answers to any questions they seek. Their role in a Coalition is focused on surveillance, tracking, reconnaissance, and data analysis. The Clairvoyant Classification matches with the Arbiter and Cosmonaut Classifications.
      5. Controller

        Metapowers of the Classification: Controller grant the ability to control the environment and those within it. Metanthropes with such Metapowers can alter their surroundings, harness energies, and create barriers to shape the battlefield. Their role in a Coalition is focused on crowd-control and utilizing the environment to their advantage. The Controller Classification matches with the Aegis and Animator Classifications.
      6. Cosmonaut

        Metapowers of the Classification: Cosmonaut enable Metanthropes to travel extraordinary distances, whether within their own world or across other Dimensions. Cosmonauts possess the ability to instantaneously transport themselves or open gateways to other realms. Such Metanthropes excel in exploration, scouting, guiding, and interconnecting different locations. The Cosmonaut Classification matches with the Clairvoyant and Kineticist Classifications.
      7. Hammer

        Metapowers of the Classification: Hammer grant Metanthropes unparalleled physical prowess and the ability to alter their physical form, attributes, and size. A Hammer can be used to destroy, but also to build. They excel in one-on-one combat situations. Metanthropes with Hammers play a crucial role in a Coalition by specializing in assault and neutralizing threats. The Hammer Classification matches with the Aegis and Kineticist Classifications.
      8. Kineticist

        Metapowers of the Classification: Kineticist offer influence over the elements of nature and cosmic forces alike. They possess immense power to create havoc or prevent disasters caused by the source of their Metapowers. Metanthropes with Kineticist abilities play a crucial role in a Coalition by unleashing devastating attacks and overwhelming multiple enemies at once. The Kineticist Classification matches with the Cosmonaut and Hammer Classifications.
      9. Manipulator

        Metapowers of the Classification: Manipulator grant Metanthropes the ability to manipulate the emotions and thoughts of others. With their unique abilities, they can directly influence behavior and control the actions of others. Manipulators play a vital role in a Coalition by engaging in communication, negotiation, diplomacy, propaganda, and espionage. The Manipulator Classification matches with the Animator and Arbiter Classifications.
      10. Utilitarian

        Metapowers of the Classification: Utilitarian provide Metanthropes with versatile and well-rounded capabilities. Those with Utilitarian powers can quickly gain access to a wider array of skills or receive overall increases in all their attributes. Utilitarians excel in compensating for any weaknesses within a Coalition and fulfill a supportive role. The Utilitarian Classification does not have a specific matching pair with other Classifications, but it can synergize with all of them.
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