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  • Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: Enter Meta includes all the initial information surrounding what is a roleplaying game and it answers basic questions regarding Metanthropes. Questions such as which are the required steps to join a game, what is the dynamic between Narrator and Players, what is the setting and genre of Metanthropes etc. In addition, Enter Meta introduces the reader to the  lore of Metanthropes, as well as to its lexicon and acronyms  used in this website.


    ▶️ How to Play Metanthropes RPGHow to join our Discord and our chosen virtual tabletop platform and how to book your seat at a Session. This segment is available to  all signed-up members and to guests to the website.


    🏆 Ranks & Rewards: How each Rank unlocked by accumulating Achievement Points unlocks Rewards. This segment is available to  all signed-up members and to guests to the website.


    🏁 Introduction to RPGsWhat is a role-playing game, metagaming, the role of the Narrator within the Group, how time runs during the game and information regarding Houserules. This segment is available to  all signed-up members and to guests to the website.


    📜 Setting of MetanthropesHow Metanthropes operate inside a society, what is a Coalition and a Faction, and what is the main genre and theme of Metanthropes RPG. This segment is available to  all signed-up members and to guests to the website.


    🌎Cosmology of MetanthropesHow each Session runs in its own alternate history, and introductory lore surrounding Dimensions and Timelines.  This segment is available to  all signed-up members and to guests to the website.


    📖 Acronyms & LexiconWords and emojis which constitute the lexicon of the game, and also are used as acronyms. Hover over any acronym word to reveal additional information. This segment is available to  all signed-up members and to guests to the website.


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