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MetaBeta Respec

John Vladman


🎇 🎇 🎇 The MetaBeta Respec has come  🎇 🎇 🎇

You are a Metanthrope. You had an Origin story that gave you Metapowers. Your very first (and perhaps your only one) is and always will be your Prime Metapower. The Classification and Energy Type tied with that Metapower will accompany you throughout your whole journey of your development.

There are 9 Classifications of Metapowers and there are 4 Energy Types.

Each Classification has four others that goes well with and four others that does not so much (in terms of Player Character Experience spending, not powergaming, theme, roleplay or any other terms of matching them). We will call those that goes well with Matching and those that do not Non-Matching. As for the Energy Types, there are two discriminations here: having the Same Energy with my Prime Metapower and those that have Different . Summing up all possible combinations between Matching, Non-Matching Classifications and Same, Different Energy Type – we come up with the following table.


Tiers. Each Tier will have differnt Experience costs according to the following table that will be based on your Prime Metapower and which Tier the following Metapowers you unlock belong to. Your Prime Metapower is Tier 1.


Example#1 : Your Prime Metapower is Planetary Powers, an Elemental Hammer, and your second Metapower is Pheromone Manipulation, an Elemental Will Breaker (Non-Matching, Same Energy = Tier 5) your unlock cost would be 1800 XP and progressing to level 2 would be 360.

Example #2 : Your Prime Metapower is Meta Vision ( Material, Tracker) and you want to unlock Meta Hearing (Material, Tracker) then your cost would be 1000 XP because you are Tier 1 (same,same). 

The formulas behind the above table are two:

1) Unlocking Tier 1 = 1000. Increase by 20% for every Tier above.

2) Progressing Leves = Current Level (x) Level Going x 100. Increase by 20% for every Tier above.

As for the Matching and Non-Matching, they are determined by the following table (the Classifications are on the left and the four Matching are those on the right):



Visual representation of the above ( symbols & names, symbols black, symbols color) 









Your thoughts are welcome below. 


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  • Conductor

Εγω δεν έχω προλάβει να κάνω process ούτε τα metapower changes ακόμα, οπότε θα σχολιάσω εν καιρώ. Με μία πρώτη ματιά φαίνεται ένα ΜΕΣΤΟ patch! Well done boy!

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Bourantas Nontas


Καταρχήν, once more, job well done και ευχαριστούμε για την ταχεία ανταπόκριση προκειμένου να είμαστε έτοιμοι για test την Παρασκευή (κερνάω μπύρες 🙂 ).

Σε ότι αφορά το σχέδιο, το πρώτο είναι μεν απλό και κλασικό, άρα κολλάει παντού, το έγχρωμο όμως είναι πολύ λειτουργικό. Με ένα χρώμα βλέπεις ότι χρειάζεσαι.

Για τα matching - non matching και την διαδικασία ξεκλειδώματος και lvlαρίσματος εν γένει, θα χρειαστεί χρόνος και μελέτη που αυτήν την στιγμή δεν έχω λόγω φόρτου εργασίας. Με τον λίγο πάντως χρόνο που ξέκλεψα, δεν δείχνει να είναι κάτι το δύσκολο με την προϋπόθεση βέβαια ότι θα έχω σε alt-tab τα powers.

Όπως και να έχει, έχουμε τροφή για σκέψη και λογικά μέχρι την Παρασκευή, θα έχουμε κάνει reset τους characters και θα έχουμε και έτοιμο κάποιο feedback.

Μια ερώτηση μένει μόνο από πλευράς μου: τα powers θα αλλάξουν ή να κάνω reset με αυτά που έχουμε;.

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To concept einai na parameinete aftoi pou eisaste san chars. Dld mhn ginei twra o Keldron "teleport, animal powers kai Chaos Bending" , alla an thes na kaneis kapoies allages se fash na allakseis thesh thn prime metapower sou, eite adi gia Inner Dimension na anoiges kati allo ktl. Genika me ligotera tha vgeite opote ta "kainurgia" moy fainete pio dyskolo, to thema nomizw einai na vreis poia apo afta poy exeis xreiazesai gia na paikseis ton char sou en telh. Kalhmeres


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Bourantas Nontas


14 minutes ago, John Vladman said:

To concept einai na parameinete aftoi pou eisaste san chars. Dld mhn ginei twra o Keldron "teleport, animal powers kai Chaos Bending" , alla an thes na kaneis kapoies allages se fash na allakseis thesh thn prime metapower sou, eite adi gia Inner Dimension na anoiges kati allo ktl. Genika me ligotera tha vgeite opote ta "kainurgia" moy fainete pio dyskolo, to thema nomizw einai na vreis poia apo afta poy exeis xreiazesai gia na paikseis ton char sou en telh. Kalhmeres


Η ερώτηση μου αφορούσε εάν αλλάξουν αυτά καθαυτά τα powers. Εννοείται ότι ο Keldron θα ξανά στηθεί όπως ήταν το αρχικό σχέδιο. Αυτό δοκιμάζουμε άλλωστε. Απλά εάν υπάρχει κάποια τραγική αλλαγή στα powers είναι λογικό να θέλει σκέψη.

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se afta poy exeis esy nomizw kanena den allazei full, kapoia 4th wall, time kai alla allazoun perissotero

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Bourantas Nontas


Soz αλλά πρέπει να ρωτήσω: για να πάει το tier 1 power μου (primary) από ξεκλείδωμα μέχρι lvl 4 θέλει 3000xp με σκαλοπάτια 200-600-1200?

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Swsta, tsekare to teleftaio pinaka apo afto to post - ta exei ola



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Bourantas Nontas


1 minute ago, John Vladman said:

Swsta, tsekare to teleftaio pinaka apo afto to post - ta exei ola



Y το έχω δει. Απλά ήθελα να επιβεβαιώσω τα νούμερα.

Feedback το απόγευμα ή από κοντά.

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Εμένα έχουν αλλάξει φουλ σχεδόν όλα τα powers που κάνανε define τους χαρακτήρες μου... warp reality has no offensive/initiative value-has become more of a reactive cc. Meta cognition ultra nerf (especially with destiny spending). Invulnerability...nerfed as f**k has almost no point in being primary metapower on a sidekick.. Επίσης o ezekiel είχε σχεδόν 1 power από κάθε classification..οπτ είναι πολύ δυσκολο να κρατήσω αυτό το variety.

Θέλω λίγο χρόνο να δω πως μπορούν να γίνουν combined κάποια powers χωρίς να χαθεί το "playing style" του..αν δεν τα καταφέρω ή μου απαγορέψει ο αγαπητός μου, Narator, να χρησιμοποιήσω νέα powers, τότε μπορεί να αρχίσει να έχει αυτοκτονικές τάσεις και psychological trauma (rp wise) που θα τον οδηγήσουν σε ριψοκίνδυνες αποστολές...👼

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nai vreite ti thelete gia ton char sas kai tha vroume ena tropo. boreite na allaksete thn prwth sas, tis epomenes, kai na valete alles an thelete. perimene ligo akoma na ftiaksw k Meta Evocation - paizei na to thes. 

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Δεν μου λείπουν τα stats-characteristic buffs i think. Ο λόγος που διάλεξα αυτά τα powers εξ αρχής πάντως ήταν κυρίως επειδή εντόπισα τα limitless possibilities 😈 και ήθελα να δω πως μπορούν να γίνουν balanced through playtesting. Η αλήθεια είναι οτι το καινούργιο σύστημα φαίνεται να ευννοεί σημαντικά το teaming και να καθιστά unwilling to cooperate, psychotic, predators etc players full unviable early game. Οπτ ο σκοπός μου στον (ανα)σχεδιασμό του Ezekiel και της Jacqueline είναι βασικά να τους κάνω πιο "δεμένους" και συνεκτικούς. 

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btw thelw na pw oti to roleplay twn Sidekick tha epistrepsei ston Narrator, gia logous poy tha anaptyksw se ena allo post, exume alla na poume edw. alla nai kane to lvl up ths Jaq kanonika syndedemeno me to diko sou 

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Good job on making it on time & endiaferon me to prwto look to unlock power xp table!

egw eixa hdh kanei rebuild ton xarakthra (kai 1-2 semi-test setups pou xa skeftei) me ta previously posted numbers, kurios gia na dw me static kai me shifting PM na figure out how it feels (twra tha prepei na xanatsekarw ta numbers😄)  and by the looks of it..it feels pws to hammer epese pio bary ap oti fainotan na rxetai 😆!

so here is some initial feedback (brace yourselves, wall of feedback inc.!)

to static PM einai ontws wraio gia logous RP/Story alla ginetai arketa constricting sth praxh!
kai blepw 2 main cases pou einai constricting

a) ama deis oti den sou aresei h arxikh sou epilogh kai thes kati diaforetiko einai pio pithano na parathseis ton PC kai na kaneis new one para na arxiseis na grindareis to high cost tou na allaxeis se kati allo!
twra tha mou peis pou einai to kako? well se ena game pou den exei kanena "lore" h kai rule oso afora to giati kai pws pairneis pote pio power einai wierd na se bazei se ena pre-set path of achievable possibilities rather than allowing to shift and evolve

b) estw oti goustareis auto pou exeis parei full alla sunhditopoieis oti the static nature of PM make some power more difficult to augment their quality of life (blepe higher stats 😛) than others in a uneven manner!

ta kineticist  powers einai :
5 reflex stat based , 3 will stat based , 1 power stat  based & 1 perception stat based
ta reflex stat based buffarontai apo meta-refex & meta-constitution kai exoun different energy ara tier 4 & tier 6 ,
ta will stat based buffaronte apo meta-will & meta-cognition kai  ta 2 einai different energy kai to 1 same energy ara 
einai 2 me tier 4 both kai 1 me tier 3 (to telekinesis sto 5 sou dinei ena ena toumbano +50 will pou de xerw an tha meinei opote an oxi tha mbei extra tier cost)
to 1 power stat based buffarete apo meta-strength & meta-constitution kai einai different energy ara tier 6 & tier 4,
to 1 perception stat based buffarete apo meta-hearing/vission & meta-intelligence pou einai idio energy ara tier 5 both
opote an deis to average tier cost gia na anebasis ta stats me powers gia enan kineticists einai arketa high!

ta  will breaker se antithesh twra einai :
6 manipulation based, 3 conscience based, 1 awareness based kai 1 endurance based!
ta 5 manipulation based buffarontai me meta-charisma & meta-intelligence (to 6o einai to idio to meta charisma 😛opote thelei apla 1 tier 3) kai eina idio energy ara tier 1 & tier 3
ta 3 conscience buffarontai apo mona tous ta 2 & meta-cognition kai einai idio energy ara 2 me 1 tier 5 kai 1 me tier 1 & tier 5
to 1 awareness buffarete mono tou & meta-cognition ara 1 tier 5
to 1 endurance buffarontai me meta-constitution & meta-?? (kek den paizei pleon meta endurance 😛) anyway tier 4 & isos kati akoma pou na dinei endurance
to average cost antistoixa, gia na anebaseis ta stats me powers, einai poly pio kato se sxesh me kineticists!

tha fanei ston paixth oti uparxei uneven balance kai design favoritism over some powers which will lead in maybe a poor experience!

ta above 2 paradeigmata apo thn allh isos einai ta mona me tosh diafora, den exw psaxei ola ta classifications ofc!! alla einai kati pou nomizw prepei na ginei gia na ne swsto to game design!
ap thn allh isos na exei ginei pio entono to contradition apo to shift twn classifications sto 9angle, isos ekane more sense to previous positioning pou eixe postaristei not sure but i think it warrants an investigation!

to "sum" up, to static PM an kai einai wraio RP/Story wise pisteuw pws thetei arketa rigid plaisia ston paixth gia to pws tha anoixei alla powers kai thelei poly thorough look sto classification positioning sto 9angle (kai isos kai move kapoia powers between classifications) gia na exei ena intuitive and balanced feel to game!
to shifting PM tha kane pio eukolo to handling of uneven situations by sipmly allowing to reposition your PM, kai an htan too easy/abusable, that could be handled easier with numeric adjustments (i.e. xreiazetai na ne +2 h +3 lvl higher gia na metrhsei gia PM anti gia +1 pou htan to last idea) while still allowing more possibilities!

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Eixa skeftei arketa apo ta paradeigmata poy les. Tha xreiastei arketa duleia kai tha erthun kai allages - borei kai to 9gram. Padws, pws einai afto poy les me to Telekinesis poy dinei +50 sto Stat toy, apla se high level ? Etsi lew apo to Kineticist alla kai alla, na ginun polla - dhladh na sou dinun sto Level 3 and/or 5 and Stat increase sto Stat poy kanun use, arketa competitive sto adistoixoi meta reflexes, perception ktl - opote na mhn einai anagkaio gia to power building na pareis afta ta "meta stat" giati an kaneis ypomonh kana 2 sessions kai kaneis story xp tha boreis na kaneis unlock to lvl 5 kai na pareis to sweet sweet Stat bonus. 

Nai as kraththume ligo olh se afto to dyskolo Respec storm poy tha ginei, na paiksume merika sessions na dume pws vghke. 

Kai fysika exei poly duleia ta Metapowers, ta weapons [den exw kanei update ta weapons me fixed conditions symfwna me to new system change] 

Genika stay tuned - kathe vdomada major updates pleon.

#giatimasaksizei #amstel 

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Emena sofar afto pou den vgazei kai poly noima akoma einai to complexity tou energy type. Diladi pistevo oti thatan arketa ta 3 tiers based on classification (same, matching and non-matching), efoson etsi kialliws exeis constriction apo to stat roll sou sto ekastote diaforetiko metapower pou kaneis unlock.

px an to prime metapower einai lawbender na kaneis ola ta lawbender Tier 1, ta hammer tier 3 kai ta anvil Tier 5 or 6.

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ntaxei to energy addition nai men bazei ena extra layer of complexity, alla dinei granularity sto xp cost, opote mborei na xeis ta extra tier kai me toso mixed classifications kai energies se kapoies periptwseis isos bohthisei ligo! emena perisotero me paraxenepse h allagh twn classification sto 9angle tbh! 😄

now on to a very very important question...!! afou tha paizoun weekly "major" updates, tha uparxei kai allo respec down the road?

as in, try to min max now pou shmainei oti allazei ligo ews poly o char se sxesh me pws ftiaxtike or go with the flow tou opws ekatse arxika kai down the road otan ginei revision tha ginei new respec?!

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Ena respec pistevw gia twra. twra down the road deftero, isws alla mallon oxi full respec opws tha kanume twra. Den tha einai major ola ta weekly updates, ta perissotera tha einai populating the site and updating game ktl. Afto twra einai major update nai. 

Spyro se akouw gia to Energy, gia na to dume ligo sthn praksh me to respec poy tha kanete kai me merikous npcs poy tha ftiaksw kai merika Session ktl. 

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Posted (edited)

Asxeto, panw se afto pou leei o lynxos gia to 9gram, emena to prime mou htan to warp reality (lawbender), gia na einai matching me to meta cognition (tracker), tha prepei to prime metapower to Ezekiel na ginei hammer h kineticist ...😂

Edited by cproc
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thats one way to look at it. An as poyme thes apo to ena apo ta 2 ta prwta 2-3 levels, boreis kai na to plhrwseis akriva kai meta na anevaseis to allo

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Bourantas Nontas


Αγαπητέ μου, Narrator.

Με το update μας άναψες φωτιές και με την δουλειά που έχω λόγω προετοιμασίας της γιορτής την επόμενη εβδομάδα, δεν ξέρω εάν πρέπει να γράψω ή να στα πω από κοντά. Σίγουρα όμως στα κλεφτά κρατάω σημειώσεις. 

Μένουμε εν διαρκή.

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