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Roadmap of Metanthropes

The Composer


Greetings Metanthropes,


the Roadmap of Metanthropes is now available to all members and guests. The Roadmap can be easily visited at the top of the menu manager of the website, next to the Events. At the Roadmap you can see the history of the project, its current state, and future milestones. As of early 2023, the project has entered its Open Beta phase of development. You can read more about it here. So, without further ado, I proudly present to you:


The Roadmap of Metanthropes


The Roadmap is categorized into six columns of categories. Each column includes a variety of cards.

  • Pre-Alpha: From 2014 to 2019, it is the period of early development, and playtesting.
  • Closed Alpha: During 2020 , the game as we know it today took its form, the website was created, and the first VTT playable version.
  • Open Alpha: At April 1rst 2021, Metanthropes was presented for the first time to the public.
  • Closed Beta: During 2022, the game design’s initial cycle was completed, and so was the first wave of 100 playtests.
  • Open Beta: Post 2023 the game begins to expand to further media platforms and open its doors to a new wave of players.
  • LIVE: Once the Open Beta phase is complete, Metanthropes will begin to assume its final shape, with game design complete, art being prioritized, and crowdfunding projects materialized.


Each card is categorized into one of four different categories, as seen at the Legend on the left side of the Roadmap. You can see the card's category in a colored line underneath it. Each card can be viewed (clicked) for additional information.


  • Design (purple😞 Includes game design, and artistic design.
  • Infrastructure (yellow😞 Includes all website features.
  • Sessions (green😞 Includes any type of Sessions of Metanthropes & community events.
  • Media (red😞 Includes all social media, and crowdfunding platforms.




Stay tuned, as the Roadmap will be updating as time goes on, and higher ranked members of the community are able to vote at cards which features they find the most interesting, and wish to see them complete first. Explore the past, present, and future developments of Metanthropes!


Stay Legit,


Stay Meta.


  • Legit 1


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