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Upcoming "Orange" Version Updates

John Vladman


“Yellow” Version Updates

These are the major updates already included in the current, “Yellow Version” of Metanthropes RPG.

  • All 100 Metapowers and the 50 first Combos were updated under the “yellow” template, build to help the viewer understand better what each of the above does in a consistent way with each other.
  • Website Symbols added into Rules -> My Character, to help the site’s visitor get a hold of the symbology used in Metapowers, Combos, Items and Antagonists.
  • Regressions, new roleplay element added into Rules -> My Character. Regression alongside with Arc navigate a Metanthrope’s RP.
  • The first 20 Antagonists added into Metabase -> Antagonists. Antagonists are divided into the following categories: Animated, Animals, Artificial, Extraterrestrial, Interdimensional and Metatherions.
  • The first 100+ Items have been uploaded on the Metabase, including vehicles, materials, weapons and more.
  • All Area Effects have been uploaded and updated on Rules -> Area Effects, adding an animated visual (with gifs) of the area effects of the game.
  • Movement (Speed, Weight and Size) have been updated and uploaded on Metabase -> Extras
  • 100 (current 98) Damage types have been uploaded and updated, from heavy winds to thermonuclear explosions. Currently: 40 Material sources, 30 Elemental and 14 Cosmic and 14 Psychic.


Upcoming “Orange” Version Updates

Orange version will be the penultimate version before the Kickstarter launch version (the next from last one), with the final “Golden” version will be the one updated by the end of 2020 and will be the one that we will send to be printed. I personally hope you are happy thus far with the progress and will enjoy the following Orange changes, cause we are getting close 😊 Thank to each and everyone of you my esteemed Closed Alpha Members, because even being offline these days due to lack of sessions with the virus and all – you still have given me a lot of feedback thus far. Thank you.



Names that will be renamed = The name that will be renamed to.

Will = Willpower

Free Action = Bonus Action

Reactive Action = Reaction

Conscience = Consciousness

Gymnastics Perk = Athletics

Weapons Perk = Military Training

Touch Range = Hexagon [Area 0]

Animate Death = Reanimation


Upcoming System Changes (in no particular order):

💓A Durability formula will be updated and added into the game, to help content creators create their own Items and Vehicles.

 A new type of action will be added called “Free Action”. Current free action (once only during my turn) will be renamed into Bonus Action. This Free Action will have no limit on how many times in can be activated during a Round and it will be added as a responsive die against VS or otherwise Rolls (without removing your 1 Reaction slot).

💯 Rolling 1% will now increase your Stat by + 1% and rolling 100% will now decrease your stat – 1%.

〽️ The Utilitarian Classification instead of being Matching with all other Classifications will not have a special XP price (around +10%) for all Classifications of same Energy Type and a bit more expensive one (around + 20%) for all Classification of different Energy Types.

🧵 A create your own Combo (XP based) will be incorporated into the game for content creators to create their own Combos.

🎯 New Targets: additions (besides just numbers): Visible, living, dead, human, animal, Metanthrope, interdimensional, object etc. to be added into the template and Metabase -> Extras. “Fizzle” rule to be added for whenever Targeting but not meeting Targeting requirements.


General Additions, Changes (in no particular order):

💡 Origin, Arc, Regression, possessions(each), Combo, (Perk?). 5 additions to be added with Name only and no description and details to help content creators exercise their imagination, create their own.

📖 Narrator’s Screen (all tables)

📝 New Character Sheet

↕️ All orange format bigger size (from 14 to 16)

🧪 Poisons, drugs and medication [new addition in database – items]

🗺️ 20 Areas Instead of 10: from PERSON to Planet. 1 to 10 Areas could be from Person to CITY instead.

✔️Most Metapowers and Combos will have more “spend your Levels of Success” options.

📚 Perks re-writes and updates.

📊 Characteristics and Stats: re-writes and updates.

👹 New Antagonists & Items

🔗 50+ Combos

❄️ More (as many as possible) Levels of each Metapower will have their own unique use, to make each Level unique and important. For example, if you have Invisibility 5: Invisibility 3 & 4 will still have their use.


Minor Rules Updates & Additions (in no particular order):

☠️ Life, Death, Destiny and XP correlation Updated (lose all your Destiny, probably some penalty on XP as well).

🐙 One Shift Buff Rule: Each Character can have only one Shift (Buff type) Activated. (The Meta Anatomy Shift will bypass this rule and allow multiple at once)

😧 Whenever a Metanthrope will be dealt 100+ Damage (after reducing with Resistances), will also receive the Pain 1 Agony (No movement). Humans receive the same for 50+ Damage.

👾 A Bonus on Strike or any Targeted attack Rolls will be added for Targets of Size 11 and more (the bigger the Target, the higher the bonus)

🚁 Rules for Targeting Vehicles (the same way organisms have organs to Target). You can Target specific locations on vehicles (ex. Engines to shut them down, weapons to remove their attack options) in order to render them useless or weaken them. 0 Durability on vehicles means they are totally destroyed (debris).

👌 Picking up Items and holding items: how much Movement is lost will be added on the rules (already added on the items description with this symbol: )

🦵 Getting up from being prone rule ( - 4 Movement), Athletics Perks reduces it to ( - 2 Movement) and attacking a prone character with a Strike bonus added on Rules. Additionally, attacking an immobilized target bonuses to be added (and Immobilized Condition to be added as well).

🌊 Swimming, breathing (holding breath), Drowning Rules to be updated and added.

 Standard duration for all Conditions to be added. The standard duration will apply each time unless a Metapower/Combo/item that applies this Conditions states otherwise.

💠 The Grid Cover Rule will be updated (check Kinetic Nova issue)

🔫 Point Blank Shot firearm bonus according to distance (watch out for O.P shotguns)

👯‍♀️Hexagon: max (size) characters [2 size 10] to occupy a Hexagon. How many smaller size Characters? Passing through occupied Hexagons rules (tumbling, pushing them through rules to be added).

💪 Power Tables rechecked (jump, bend, break etc.) Carrying maximum load and getting slowed down rules.

☑️Spending/ Amassing Levels of Success – difference and symbology (and what happens when combining them = Spending them reduces the total amassed).

👥 Cover and Concealment differentiated and updated

💞 Natural healing: creativity to patch bleeding, doctor’s aid at a single turn results, surgery, meds. (New Healing entries must be added -> to a new total of 25.)

⚠️No Free Out of Character conversations during Actions Scenes to be added, detailed and implemented on the rules.

🤼Size/Weight & Grappling. Grapping rules as Specific Strikes added on Strike Rules.

👀 Max Visibility, audio, other senses defined on Rules.

💔 Body/Endurance reduction = Life reduction. Life reduced to 0 or lower this way is Character Death as usual.

🗡️ Strike and Weapons Conditions revisited.

🦖New “Natural (from animals) Strike Conditions to be added.

🗺️ Movement transitions with proper examples to be added into Rules: from normal, to snow, to water to dark energy slingshot to normal again etc.

🦺 How exactly damaging Armors (worn) and Materials (cover behind them) works updated on Rules:  Current status: reduce damage up to Resistance, receive the rest to Durability, if Durability drops to 0, the rest of the Damage is dealt to the Character.

👊Striking Range & Reach defined.


Rules under consideration to be included (in no particular order):

📜Training at Downtimes, instead of increasing Perks to give +1% on Characteristics or Stats.

Ⓜ️Relapsing Metapowers: Do we want it or not? For example “Actuality Bending, Methodical Intervention [two of the “counterspells” of the game] and “Rush, Fast Forward” [two of the “game extra actions” of the game] are identical. Do we want that relapsing or chose there be same change to them (leaning towards the latter)

Energy Subtypes: Currently there is no actual need for subtypes (for example, “Elemental: Subtype Fire”) because of Conditions and Immunity to them. Still there could be added the “Vulnerability” Rule that does additional damage to one subtype or another. Should it be part of the database or just text on specific occasions?

⏱️ Should Reactions (old reactive actions) be spent to activate Bonus Actions (old Free Actions) ?– probably not, still needs further consideration.

💥Firearm attack options “burst, empty clip” to give bonus on hitting but reduce further ammo from clip. There could be a requirement of Military Training (Weapons Perks).

✊🏼 Should a Character be able to perform a Strike (or even a Movement) by spending their Reactions ? (attack of opportunity rule?)

🩸10 Bleeding Conditions instead of 5 consideration (could help on the Strike, Weapon and natural weapons conditions), even if all other Conditions have 5 or 3 levels?

🆓The new Free Action to be only during Turn and only whenever someone else makes an Activation that requires the players to make a Free Action out of their turn to be made as such.

🧟🧟‍♀️New antagonists type: HORDES, SWARMS, STAMPEEDEE: multiple "characters" on same Hexagon-Area. (cannot be mind-controlled or single targeted)

💀Conditions Names to be added (for example Bone Damage 3 = Fractured Bone). This may look better but will have a harder time remembering all the condition names.

🦶🏽 Strike (without reach) will be on Same Hexagon instead of Adjacent Hexagon now

🚙Vehicles to be distinguished from Possessions, added in a  new database.


Website Updates (in no particular order):

🟠All Metapowers and Combos entries will have the “Orange” Template that will include descriptions (for Narrator’s to read when Activated), visual aids such as animated and static pictures (for all those that use the Grid) and examples for all the complicated ones and symbols for easier showing how to spend your Levels of Success. Visual aids for all Levels of all Metapowers and for all Combos.

📙 Possessions and Conditions will also have their Template of description with descriptions taken from Wikipedia (free to use). Visual aids for all Conditions (also Buffs, Perks, Possessions?)

🌌Dimensional Mechanics will be added in Rules, showcasing each differentiation that is on each different Dimension (such as the passing of time, movement, life, damage, spirits, locations and more.)

🏘️Coalition details (reputation, influence, connections, wealth, Safehouse/headquarters)

😀Updates on Reputation, emojis, ranks, titles, customization, avatars, symbols & more

®️ Welcome page will be updated

🖼️ Gallery, Forums, Blogs and Coalition Cleanup

🦸‍♀️Rotating Avatars @ Characters

✍️Acronyms (hover mouse over words to show some info), MetaSearch (google keywords) & hyperlinks (quick clickable links)

☄️METAVERSE added into navigation bar that will include: characters, coalitions, FACTIONS (new)

🌐Current Area Effects will be updated into “The Grid” that will include information on using the Grid (both in tabletop and virtual tabletop experiences), movement, areas and area effects.



So these are the upcoming changes for the semi-final, pre-launch version. I know its a lot to read and to ponder, but is there anything you think I've missed? Is any part that confuses one or needs clarifying ? You can quote any of the following and ask. Your thoughts are welcomed below !





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❤️ Feelslegitman! ❤️

Please bring back Hammer-Anvil!

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Dimitris Theo

Posted (edited)


Rolling 1% will now increase your Stat by + 1% and rolling 100% will now decrease your stat – 1%.

Please remove this - it is hurting my eyes and soul. Maybe tolerable in the mid-late game, but extremely frustrating in the early game. All players will hate this = bad for the game


New Targets: additions (besides just numbers): Visible, living, dead, human, animal, Metanthrope, interdimensional, object etc. to be added into the template and Metabase -> Extras. “Fizzle” rule to be added for whenever Targeting but not meeting Targeting requirements.

Loving this, can't wait to test!


Spending/ Amassing Levels of Success – difference and symbology (and what happens when combining them = Spending them reduces the total amassed).

"Spending Levels of Success" Not sure what that means, worried it may slow down the game pace


Overall very excited for the Orange update, keep'em coming!

Edited by Dimitris Theo
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Bourantas Nontas


Someone has been busy...

GG man. Νομίζω ήρθε η ώρα να αρχίσω να ρίχνω Άσσους που δεν έριχνα μέχρι τώρα.

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John Vladman


5 hours ago, cproc said:

❤️ Feelslegitman! ❤️

Please bring back Hammer-Anvil!

Come on man, from all the things you could say... 

Ok, let me say it once again.... what people associate Anvils more is creation, forging, crafts. Those concepts fit with the ANIMATOR classification not the one that gives you defensive capabilities (Defender).

As for Hammers, ok maybe hammers is cooler than "Breakers", but Hammers was more fitting when anvils were around ... 

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John Vladman


3 hours ago, Bourantas Nontas said:

Someone has been busy...

GG man. Νομίζω ήρθε η ώρα να αρχίσω να ρίχνω Άσσους που δεν έριχνα μέχρι τώρα.

Thanks man. Η Αλήθεια είναι ότι παίζει πολύ δουλεία τελευταία, και το καλοκαίρι θα τα δώσω όλα για όλα. 

Συζήτησα και με τη Λίζα για κανά Σέσσιον από κοντά, θα κάνω τις απαραίτητες ανακοινώσεις σύντομα. #hype #staytuned 

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John Vladman



Please remove this - it is hurting my eyes and soul. Maybe tolerable in the mid-late game, but extremely frustrating in the early game. All players will hate this = bad for the game


Hmm. why tolerable mid-late but not early game? Isn't it always nice to increase your stats for free? 1% and 100% usually happen once/twice per player per session, it’s not that big of a deal ... is it? 

Also, there is also a thing Lynx noticed: if I have a Stat say at 39%. every time I increase it, it increases by + 5% so it will go 44,49,54,59 and so on. I will never the chance to round-it-up to 50,60 etc. 

If that is the case, there can be found other ways to increase your stats by + 1% (for example, during Downtimes or something), but I don’t feel that it will be as bad as you say



"Spending Levels of Success" Not sure what that means, worried it may slow down the game pace

Levels of Successes Amassed = total successes gathered. Levels of Successes Spent = the  ✔️ that you spent to increase durations, damage, ranges etc. 

A Metapower/Combo can have both options, check the following example:

In the above example, the second table is the Levels of Succ. Amassed, but you can also spent them to include more Targets to the effect.

Hope that was useful ! 


Overall very excited for the Orange update, keep'em coming!

Yay ! Orange is the new Meta 😄

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  • Conductor
25 minutes ago, John Vladman said:

Come on man, from all the things you could say... 

Ok, let me say it once again.... what people associate Anvils more is creation, forging, crafts. Those concepts fit with the ANIMATOR classification not the one that gives you defensive capabilities (Defender).

As for Hammers, ok maybe hammers is cooler than "Breakers", but Hammers was more fitting when anvils were around ... 

Αστειάκι εκανα! Sorry

Δν εκανα full detailed post γτ το ειδα απο δουλεια..more feedback incoming!

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Dimitris Theo

Posted (edited)


Hmm. why tolerable mid-late but not early game? Isn't it always nice to increase your stats for free? 1% and 100% usually happen once/twice per player per session, it’s not that big of a deal ... is it? 

TLDR: Yes it is.

Long version: On a character's 1st session, when the highest Stat is 30, having it drop to 29 in addition to a critical fail (a 100 has huge ingame impact already) will be especially frustrating to any player. On a mid-late game character, dropping from 79 to 78 might not be as impactful in terms of actual gameplay, but still: Losing is much more impactful to a player's mood than winning.

Further punishing a critical fail with a permanent gimp on the character sheet or further rewarding a critical success with a permanent boost on the character sheet has nothing to offer to an RPG game, and it is also 100% unreasonable.

Example: I am a master sniper, I use my sniper all the time, and roll at 78 Perception. I roll an 100 - my rifle slips from my hands, I lose my rifle and make my position known to my enemy. I am completely fucked, but do I end up being 1% less good a sniper forever? Do I earn negative XP for botching a roll?

Similarly, rolling a 001 awards me with enough XP to boost any stat by 1? This contradicts the XP system of the game, as well as punishes/rewards players just for being lucky/unlucky

Edited by Dimitris Theo
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Θα συμφωνήσω με Theo σε αυτό, και θα συμπληρώσω και το σβήσε γράψε όλα τα stats κάθε φορά που φέρνεις 001 ή 100, seems mundane αλλα έχει σημασία imo. Έχεις προσπαθήσει να φτιάξεις ένα character sheet για να βελτιστοποιήσεις το πόσο εύκολα κάνω additions/removals σε πράγματα no need to confuse it further.

Το να ανεβάζεις κατά 1% κάποιο stat σε downtime φαίνεται αρκετά legit πάντως και πιστεύω αρκεί αυτό για να κατευνάσει τους ψυχαναγκασμούς μας @Kostas Koronaios. 🙂 

Επίσης δίνει φουλ motive να ασχοληθείς και να "ανυπομονείς" για το downtime σε περίπτωση που στον χαρακτήρα σου δεν τον νοιάζουν τα perks, βλέπε Odette @Liza Pl Vladimirou. Αν υπήρχε αυτό το κόλπο πιστεύω η Λίζα έκλεινε την O σε ένα δωμάτιο να βαράει μπουκέτα στον τοίχο μέχρι να ανέβει το power της κατά όσο πιο πολύ γίνεται 🤣

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John Vladman


Intresting points and positioning Theo. 

It seems the +-1% rule should be only for DTs and not for Rolls. 

Thanks for your insight.

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orange comments ☺️


Nice! willpower - consciousness 👌 touch range though seemed legit, αλλα άμα θες να τα κάνεις όλα area ok

System changes:

Utalitarian xp 👌 , New targets και fizzle rule don't get it yet περιμένω να το διαβάσω και θα σου πω

General Additions:

BOBA! potions etc 👌 , ανυπομονώ για τις αλλαγές στα spend levels of success και στα metapowers οπως invisible lvl 2,3 κλπ

Minor rules:

Μαρέσει το bonus on strike rolls (power) σε size 11 or higher, εγώ θα έβαζα επίσης bonus on reactive evade (reflexes) σε size 9 or less (εκτός αν προβλέπεται από το shift)

Targeting vehicles 👌 point blank 👌👌 θα είναι μόνο bonus on perception roll ή και στο damage? άλλο να σε πετύχει σφαίρα 100μετρα μακριά και άλλο εξ'επαφής @Bourantas Nontas what does the professor say?

Natural healing👌 


Relapsing metapowers - τα extra actions δεν μου φαίνεται άσχημο για κάποιο λόγο αλλά το counterspell όταν το είδα δν μου άρεσε, πιστεύω όμως οτι είχε να κάνει με το οτι ήταν γραμμένο με το ίδιο ακριβώς κείμενο...ξέρω ακούγεται χαζό αλλά ενδεχομένως αν αλλάξει το phrasing να μην είναι και τόσο μεγάλο θέμα imo. Κάποιος ο οποίος έχει time bending έχει με διαφορετικό τρόπο extra actions από κάποιον που έχει υπερreflexes, αλλά στην τελική είναι το ίδιο και its ok. Τώρα για το counterspell sure μπορείς να κάνεις minor adjustments και να τα διαφοροποιήσεις κρατώντας το counterspell σαν βάση, απλά μην έχουν το ίδιο text.

Energy subtypes....μεγάλη κουβέντα, συνέχεια και της κουβέντας για substance imitation, αν έχεις subtypes μπορεί να μην είναι μόνο στα elemental μπορεί να πηγαίνει και στα material (slashing-piercing κλπ) το οποίο κατά κάποιον τρόπο το έχεις βάλει στο παιχνίδι με τα διαφορετικά conditions of bladed weapons. Αυτό όμως μετά θα πρέπει να σε βάλει στην διαδικασία να καταγράψεις και λίγο πιο αναλυτικά τις ιδιότητες των υλικών και πως αλληλεπιδρούν το οποίο είναι ποοολυ δουλίτσα (ξύλο καίγεται, λάστιχο δεν ηλεκτρίζεται, ξύλο επιπλέει, pyro κάνει attack hydro ο hydro τον σβήνει?). Μέχρι τώρα τα έχεις αφήσει upon narrators discretion. Δεν ξέρω πραγματικά αν το θεωρείς σημμαντικό στοιχείο orange/golden version, προσωπικά θα μου άρεσε.

Reaction strike (opportunity attack). Ρε φίλε χτες διάβασα αυτό στα perks Counter Attack: Whenever anyone fails to Strike you, you can Strike them back as a Reactive Action.  και λέω για ποιόν λόγο δεν έχει παιχτεί ποτέ?!?!?! Έννοείται πως το βάζεις, απλά το βάζεις με penalty αν δεν έχεις athletics imo

Condition names  👌 μαρέσει, μπορείς να έχεις σύμβολο 3 κόκκαλα και όνομα fractured bone, όποιος παίζει μαθηματικά θα βλέπει 3 κόκκαλα, θα καταλαβαίνει endurance -15%, όποιος το ζει θα βλέπει fractured bone, θα ξενερώνει και θα κόβει -15% από το endurance του και θα κάνει καλύτερο RP κουτσαίνοντας 😆

Let's GO orange!

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John Vladman



touch range though seemed legit, αλλα άμα θες να τα κάνεις όλα area ok

Θα είναι σαν και αυτό : Characteristics <- kanodas hover apo panw vlepeis allh protash. Opote tha einai mallon odws "Touch Range" kai kanodas hover tha vlepeis "Hexagon - Area 0"


Μαρέσει το bonus on strike rolls (power) σε size 11 or higher, εγώ θα έβαζα επίσης bonus on reactive evade (reflexes) σε size 9 or less

Λίγο αλλιώς το έπιασες απο ότι είναι αλλα και αυτό που λες βγάζει νοήμα. Τι εννούσα "όταν βαράς μεγαλούς στόχους ΕΣΥ έχεις το μπονους" (οχι ο μεγάλος να πετύχει εσένα), αντίστοιχα τότε βαρόντας μικρούς θα πρέπει να έχεις μέιων (αντί αυτοί, οι μικροί να έχουν μπόνους στο evade.


θα είναι μόνο bonus on perception roll ή και στο damage

Στο Perception μόνο (πέραν ίσως της καραμπίνας που έχει τα σκάγια και είναι λίγο σπέσιαλ)


Κάποιος ο οποίος έχει time bending έχει με διαφορετικό τρόπο extra actions από κάποιον που έχει υπερreflexes

Το σκεύτομαι το Fast Forward από Time Bending Να δίνει "Mind based extra actions" ενώ το Adrenaline Manipulation από Meta Reflexes να δίνει μόνο Body Αctions. Ίσως το χαλάσει ομως... για το relapsing παντως όπως το Dark Energy δίνει AOE εχτρα action ετσι και θα μπορούν να διαφοροποιηθούν και τα άλλα (στο να χρειάζεται more/less lvls of succ./ or different range / other) για να μην υπάρχει ΤΠΤ "copy paste" το ίδιο στο παιχνίδι, για να μπορούμε να λέμε 500 unique Metapowers.


 (ξύλο καίγεται, λάστιχο δεν ηλεκτρίζεται, ξύλο επιπλέει, pyro κάνει attack hydro ο hydro τον σβήνει?

Not sure ακόμα για αυτά... Γενικά το θέμα subtypes έχει λυθεί με τα Conditions kai ta Immunities se afta - ίσως στην περιγραφή του ξύλου Material να λέει receives extra dmg from fire, αλλά ο Hydro na svhnei ton Pyro moy fainete ligo mufa.



Reaction strike (opportunity attack). Ρε φίλε χτες διάβασα αυτό στα perks Counter Attack: Whenever anyone fails to Strike you, you can Strike them back as a Reactive Action.  και λέω για ποιόν λόγο δεν έχει παιχτεί ποτέ?!?!?! Έννοείται πως το βάζεις, απλά το βάζεις με penalty αν δεν έχεις athletics imo

To Counter Attack στο Perk αυτό είναι πολύ πρόσφατο γιαυτό δεν το είχατε δει. Το A.O.O στο DND γίνετε όταν κάποιος κάνει move out of your "threating zone", νομίζω παραείναι DND feature και δεν υπάρχει τρελός λόγος να μπεί στο παιχνίδι αυτό.... θα του ρίξω λίγη παραπάνω σκέψη.

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2 hours ago, John Vladman said:

Λίγο αλλιώς το έπιασες απο ότι είναι αλλα και αυτό που λες βγάζει νοήμα. Τι εννούσα "όταν βαράς μεγαλούς στόχους ΕΣΥ έχεις το μπονους" (οχι ο μεγάλος να πετύχει εσένα), αντίστοιχα τότε βαρόντας μικρούς θα πρέπει να έχεις μέιων (αντί αυτοί, οι μικροί να έχουν μπόνους στο evade.

Ναι το αποτέλεσμα είναι ίδιο, καλύτερα όμως όπως το λες εσύ ώστε οι υποπεριπτώσεις να είναι μόνο στο strike (less complicated)

2 hours ago, John Vladman said:

ο σκεύτομαι το Fast Forward από Time Bending Να δίνει "Mind based extra actions" ενώ το Adrenaline Manipulation από Meta Reflexes να δίνει μόνο Body Αctions. Ίσως το χαλάσει ομως... για το relapsing παντως όπως το Dark Energy δίνει AOE εχτρα action ετσι και θα μπορούν να διαφοροποιηθούν και τα άλλα (στο να χρειάζεται more/less lvls of succ./ or different range / other) για να μην υπάρχει ΤΠΤ "copy paste" το ίδιο στο παιχνίδι, για να μπορούμε να λέμε 500 unique Metapowers.

ok. seems legit, αν και το fast forward thematicly θεωρητικά σου δίνει απόλα, slowing time you cannot only think faster but also perform movement faster, αντίστοιχα βέβαια και το adrenaline in a way makes you more aware...οτι νομίζεις κομπλε και οι 2 δρόμοι πιστεύω

3 hours ago, John Vladman said:

Not sure ακόμα για αυτά... Γενικά το θέμα subtypes έχει λυθεί με τα Conditions kai ta Immunities se afta - ίσως στην περιγραφή του ξύλου Material να λέει receives extra dmg from fire, αλλά ο Hydro na svhnei ton Pyro moy fainete ligo mufa

μμμ λάθος phrasing..με το σβήνει δεν εννοούσα full counter, αλλά θεωρητικά ο lvl3 hydro θα έπρεπε τουλάχιστον να μειώνει στο μισό το dmg tou lvl3 pyro, ή τουλάχιστον να γίνεται κάποιο interaction όπου το νερό να γίνεται steam και να τρώει less dmg και condition/state vision lost η whatever (if it doesn't get overcomplex)

3 hours ago, John Vladman said:

To Counter Attack στο Perk αυτό είναι πολύ πρόσφατο γιαυτό δεν το είχατε δει. Το A.O.O στο DND γίνετε όταν κάποιος κάνει move out of your "threating zone", νομίζω παραείναι DND feature και δεν υπάρχει τρελός λόγος να μπεί στο παιχνίδι αυτό.... θα του ρίξω λίγη παραπάνω σκέψη

Man αυτό ακριβώς εννοώ, μην βάλεις attack of opportunity κράτα απλά το counterattack σαν reactive strike action το οποίο να έχει penalty αμα δεν έχεις τα perk, seems legit.

Γενικά η διαφορά με το dnd (απτα 10 sessions που έχω παιξει sofar...) στο συγκεκριμένο topic είναι οτι στο metanthropes είναι όλοι ποοολύ πιο δυνατοί σχεδόν από την αρχή. Βάζοντας extra reactive actions σωστά μπορεί (όπως Α.Ο.Ο. ή Multi-reaction ή ότι άλλο σκεφτεις στην πορεία) να μπαλανσάρει κάποια O.P. plays και να δώσει πολλά στο action κομμάτι. Βάζοντας τα λάθος όμως ίσως το χαλάσει...

Anyway εδώ είμαστε να τα δοκιμάσουμε 🙂

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Bourantas Nontas


On 5/22/2020 at 10:03 AM, cproc said:

άλλο να σε πετύχει σφαίρα 100μετρα μακριά και άλλο εξ'επαφής @Bourantas Nontas what does the professor say?

Η σφαίρα στα 100 μέτρα έχει χάσει ύψος λόγω βαρύτητας. Επιπλέον, εξ΄ επαφής έχει το σύνολο της ορμής της J=m*U (ορμή=μάζα επί ταχύτητα) ενώ στα 100 μέτρα χάνει από την αρχική ορμή επειδή μειώνεται η ταχύτητα λόγω τριβής. Τελευταίο και πιο σημαντικό, αλλάζει δραματικά η διατρητική ικανότητα της σφαίρας όσο απομακρύνεται από την κάννη του όπλου, επειδή λόγω αντίστασης του αέρα μειώνεται η περιστροφική κίνηση της σφαίρας. Ενδεικτικά θα αναφέρω ότι το μέγιστο βεληνεκές του G3A3 είναι 3,700 μέτρα αλλά η μόνη ζημιά που μπορεί να σου κάνει η σφαίρα σε τέτοια απόσταση είναι να σου βγάλει το μάτι. Στα 400 μέτρα όμως θα σου βγάλει και το σπληνάντερο! 😄 😄

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