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🌀 Aether, Metanthropes & Metandroids 🤖


The Composer
   (0 reviews)
Meta Arena

Event details

 Event Summary

This event is a Meta Arena event which is focused on playtesting the game’s system, the Metapowers, and the Antagonists of the game. Its format has limited roleplay and it is centered around Action Scenes.

If this is your first time playing Metanthropes, consider participating in an Introductory Session first.

 For the month of Julyeach Session would have a unique theme, that will serve as enrichening the lore of the game. This Session's theme is an apocalyptic alternative history Timeline, where somewhen in the future, the Coalitions are the only known surviving Metanthropes. The rest are are wiped by futuristic machine-horrors, capable of mimicking Metapowers. The Coalition will have to venture into the Aether Dimensions to find salvation.



Event Details

Session Room Note that you'll need to be invited once you confirm your Astral username with The Narrator.. Then you shall be assigned your chosen Metanthrope.

Duration: 3 Hours

Available Slots: 6 Players - Make sure you reserve your seat by clicking the Going.png.926382350cee71cb6ef66b569f1fedd3.png on the left of this page. In case there is a last minute cancelation, priority will be given to players that have clicked on the Maybe button and are online on Discord. In case no members have pressed Going, the event will be cancelled. 

Description: One-shot Session. Players-Versus-Environment (PVE) Arena Event, cinematic Cutscenes, high-stakes Action Scenes, and powerful Antagonists.

Schedule:            The Narrator will be online and present to answer any questions one hour before the scheduled start. There will be short breaks between the scheduled parts.

  • Part 1 (1 hour): Premade PC selection and/or New PC creation
  • Part 2 (1-hour 30 min):  Coalition Versus Metandroids.
  • Part 3 (30 min):  Feedback

10 Premade Metanthropes to choose from (with 8000 unspent Experience )



Featured Premade PCs: All Audience (and above) members can visit these links to learn more about the Metapowers themselves. In the picture above we have the following featured Metapowers: Life Restoration, Duplicate Self, Time Bending, 6th Sense, Control Gravity, Dark Energy Projection, Meta Strength, Electrokinesis, Mind Control, Ancestral Connection.


Featured Map: Futuristic Coalition headquarters


Participants will be awarded 100 Community Reputation, and an additional 100 if they complete the scenario objective. After the event is concluded, participants will be able to rate and write a public review of the event, here on this page.


Feel free to ask any questions or raise any concerns in the comments below. If you feel there are any sensitive topics, no-go zones, or anything else that you need to let us know about, send @The Narrator a private message before the session.




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