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John Vladman


Metanthropes of distant lands, alternate Timelines, and other-worldly Dimensions,


I bid you welcome to the last Blog post of the Closed Alpha version of Metanthropes RPG. We are LIVE! Metanthropes.com is open to the public and the first Open Alpha members started joining in. The game’s content, and the website's features will be updated every week, as well as improving the user experience. Join us in this endeavor by providing us with your precious feedback, and by this way helping us manifest our vision.

Newest updates include the first three Chapters of the game (Enter Meta, Rules, and My Character) being edited (courtesy of @marouliz), a new digital Character’s Sheet, and the addition of a plethora of Possessions from all eras (from a Viking ship, to cellphones, and spaceships). Chapter 4: Metapowered will be accessible to all Audience members and above. You can increase your Community Reputation by being active in the community and participating in events.

More updates on Community Reputation, Metapowers, Combos and more will be elaborated in future Blogs posts for all our Open Alpha Members. All aboard the Hype Dimension! This feels like the culmination of a prolonged effort, but in truth – this is just the beginning.


Visit here for more about how to create a new Metanthrope:



Visit here for more about the new Character Sheet:



Visit here for more about Reputation & Rewards:



Stay Legit,


Stay Meta.


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