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⛰️ Mesopotamia 8000 BC: Tigris Coalition, Ep.1


The Composer
   (2 reviews)

After the last glaciers of the final ice age have melted, during the primordial times of the Neolithic era, within the first cradle of civilization a tale of gods and monsters begins. In the fertile crescent land between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates, during the obscure corners of history, the land is plagued by a dreaded Metatherion. Metanthropes scattered across the archaic lands will heed the call to track down and eliminate the beast. New Coalitions shall be formed to lead this world of out of mysticism and into civilization, while unbeknownst to them become Instruments to the cosmic rhythms of the Multiverse. 


Event Summary

This is a Rehearsal to a Multiversal Saga: two different play Groups will participate in this Saga. During this event, new Protagonists will be created and the foundations of the Saga will be placed. This is the "Session 0", the character creation process, and prelude of a new Saga that is going to playout throughout the next few months. 


This new Saga will consist of one or possibly more Rehearsal Sessions such as this one, where Players will create new Protagonists. Following the Rehearsal Sessions, each Group will participate in three Episodes, followed by one cross-over Episode, and one final epilogue, where all Players will play together. If this is your first time playing Metanthropes, consider participating in an Introductory Session first. Please make sure you have first voted on the Poll here, to determine which is the best Session day for you, and according to the availability of others, form your playgroup. This new Saga will be a modular event, and its Setting, Theme, and Genre will be influenced by the votes placed on the community poll here. Every vote matters and will influence the story!


Participants will be awarded 100 Community Reputation, and their Protagonist will be saved to the Metabase, to be used in any subsequent Session to this Sagaor new Sagas altogether. New Players can join at any Session during its runtime, as long as there are RSVP spots left. After the event is concluded, participants will be able to rate and write a public review of the event, here on this page.





Event Details

Session Room: Here  

Duration: 3 Hours

Available Slots: 4 Players - Make sure you reserve your seat by clicking the Going button on the left of this Event page. In case there is a last-minute cancelation, priority will be given to players that have clicked on the Maybe button and are online on Discord.

Description: Rehearsal, Session 0 to a new Saga

Schedule:  The Narrator will be online and present to answer any questions one hour before the scheduled start. There will be short breaks between the scheduled parts.

  • Part 1 (30 min): Protagonist clean-up and prep
  • Part 2 (1 hour ): First Scene
  • Part 3 (1 hour):  Second Scene
  • Part 4 (30 min):  Closure


  • Featured Maps: TBA




 🚧 Under Construction 🚧

Unknown, played by @Stella

Unknown, played by @qp

Unknown, played by @Kostas Koronaios

Unknown, played by @Chris Schizo Liakos


Feel free to ask any questions or raise any concerns in the comments below. If you feel there are any sensitive topics, no-go zones, or anything else that you need to let us know about, send @The Narrator a private message before the session.


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