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🧊Saga: Visitor from Up and Above, Episode 5


The Composer
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Event details

 Saga: Visitor from Up and Above

Episode 5: First Contact





Event Summary  


This is the third episode of a new Saga: Visitor from Up and Above. New Protagonists can join any ongoing episodes as long as there are empty seats for the event. New Protagonists shall join the Saga with additional Experience according to the progression of the Coalition. This new Saga is a modular event, and its Setting, Theme, and Genre will be influenced by the votes placed on the community poll here


Setting: Cyberpunk

Genre: Action

Theme: Exploration

Antagonist: Extraterrestrial


Participants will be awarded 100 Community Reputation, and their Protagonist will be saved to be used in any subsequent Session to this Saga. New Players can join at any Session during its runtime, as long as there are RSVP spots left. After the event is concluded, participants will be able to rate and write a public review of the event, here on this page.


Event Details

Session Room: Here 

Duration: 3 Hours

Available Slots: 4 Players - Make sure you reserve your seat by clicking the Going button on the left of this Event page. In case there is a last-minute cancelation, priority will be given to players that have clicked on the Maybe button and are online on Discord.

Description: Episode 5  "First Contact"

Schedule:  The Narrator will be online and present to answer any questions one hour before the scheduled start. There will be short breaks between the scheduled parts.

  • Part 1 (30 min): Experience spending and Downtime
  • Part 2 (1 hour ): First Scene
  • Part 3 (1 hour):  Second Scene
  • Part 4 (30 min): Discussion & Feedback


Story Synopsis


“ The Coalition decided to join forces with the research facility in Antarctica of the mega-corp Omni-tech. The facility was understaffed, with only one remaining living human agent and the rest being drones. The rest of the scientists and agents are missing in action. The Protagonists have manned the stations of the facility which required them to most. Through research and experimentation they  discover more about the essence of the extraterrestrial visitor, the terraforming of the planet, and the source of its location. As days go on and on, and with no communication with outside world, each of the Protagonists has time to spend developing their Metapowers and honing their skills. They will soon need them, as they are about to get between corporate warfare, as a long-range missile targets the facility and all hell breaks loose."




Antonine Bellamy, played by @qp

Heimer Dingerkopf, played by @cproc

Borris Rahmaninoff, played by @Portatif

Lara Sanchez, played by @Dimitris Theo



Featured Maps: Antarctica Research Center, The Source






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